Detroit Eastside Community Collaborative (DECC) had an opportunity to show off their newest development along the Connor Creek Greenway during the Cycle into Spring event. A two miles stretch of bike lanes and landscape enhancements from McNichols to Eight Mile. Connor Creek Greenway is part of a larger “Greenway Vision” in Southeast Michigan, whose goal is to create a regional, linked greenway network between Southeastern Michigan communities.
Tour de Troit, a nonprofit organization that produces cycling and running events to raise awareness about the benefits of pedestrian activities, including cycling, walking and running, hosted along with DECC the Second Annual Cycle into Spring event on May 18th, 2013. Five-hundred participates took part on a twenty mile ride from the Detroit River to Eight Mile, returning along the nine miles of cycling infrastructure that traces the original Connor Creek that links people, parks, green spaces, neighborhoods, schools and shops. Riders had the opportunity to view sites such as the Coleman A. Young International Airport, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, the Milbank Trail, the Chrysler Jefferson North Assembly Plant and Chandler Park.
This event was supported by donations from, PVS Chemicals, DTE Energy Foundation, Chrysler Group, LLC, St. John Providence Health System, Wheel House Detroit, Vitamin Water, Simply Suzanne, Nortown CDC, Detroit Neighborhood Partnership East, Recycle Here, Chocolate Cake Design Collective, Michigan Green Safe Products, and The Greening of Detroit.